Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am...

a walking, talking Larry-the-Cable-Guy joke. I went out to the swap meet last Saturday to "git me somethin' nice fer my birthday!" Found some treasures: a 16x20 picture frame for $1 and this lovely piece of furniture for $10. "Ain't it purty?" I think it was once a cabinet used for filing papers; there was one paper tray left in it. There was also a record album on the remaining shelf. Maybe there were too many records put in it, and the weight broke the shelves. Anyway, I'll be stripping it down and painting it. I'm thinking of staining the legs, painting the top to resemble marble, and painting landscapes representing the four seasons on the sides. Then I'll find it a home. I have no use for it; it's just something to do. I need projects!

The technological nightmare that lurks everywhere has surfaced at the pharmacy. The last two days at work have been horrendous. There is a computer system utilized at two stations to bring up customers' orders, get identification when required, obtain signatures for insurance, and check the medications out. Neither one worked! Most people aren't thrilled to be getting medications anyway; add a whole lot of waiting and inconvenience and things can get downright ugly. As the cashier, I'm the one in the danger zone, a target right on my forehead evidently. If looks could kill, I'd have been an early casualty. Good thing I was off work today because I'd have had a hard time making myself go in. Hopefully the stuff will be working tomorrow. This keeps up, I could have a meltdown!

Even when the equipment is working, there are plenty of unhappy campers. Sometimes doctors don't call in prescriptions in a timely fashion, or the busy pharmacists don't check the messages exactly when they come in. Many customers seem to be suffering from CoUD ( Center of the Universe Disorder) in addition to whatever malady took them to a physician in the first place. One guy yesterday gave me attitude in reply to my information that I had nothing ready for him. "Well, I was standing right there when he called. This is ------- isn't it?"

"No, it's the effing moon!" my inner self silently replied. My inner self could alienate a whole boatload of customers if it ran amok.

Just another day in paradise. One unhappy gentleman did seriously bother me though. When he first came to the counter, there was one prescription ready and two in the process. He said he would wait to get all three and come back. Unfortunately, one of the three could not be filled because we have had difficulty obtaining the med from the suppliers. When he came back, he unloaded on the target in front of him, me. " I am never coming back to this store. I'll take my business elsewhere. You people have done this to me for the last three months! I called the other day and was told my prescriptions would be ready. My daughter drives all the way to get me and bring me to town; I'm practically blind and can't drive anymore!" on and on... He refused the one vial of insulin we had and stormed off. His daughter was standing behind him and mouthed, "I'm sorry," before following her father.

I think Karen probably had similar experiences with Dad. I was 1200 miles away, but I do know that an incredibly polite, rational gentleman became irrational, aggressive and sometimes combative. So very sad. I hope Brian is spared the experience of his parents going through this, but what will be, will be.